Posts written by Nico
Setting up Zigbee/Thread Multi-protocol on Home Assistant
After a tutorial on installing the Thread/Matter protocol on Home Assistant, let’s continue now and tackle a sensitive subject, the thread/zigbee multi-protocol on the same key. Why s...
In Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 4thFebruary 2025Prepare a Thread and Matter network on Home Assistant
Many articles are available on the Matter connected product management protocol, currently it works with the Wifi network or the Thread network. We know all the advantages and disadva...
In News, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 30thJanuary 2025Test of the Sonoff Contact-Dry Matter Wifi Micro Module
Few in number on the market and often under-exploited, home automation modules with dry contact function are very little represented especially depending on the chosen communications ...
In Tests, Haade-lab, 23rdJanuary 2025Easily automate your water meter with Homewizard
This is a topic that will interest more than one, but be careful it will not be a miracle! but I propose you a new module manufactured by a Dutch company Homewizard, the watermeter HW...
In Tests, Home-Assistant, 5thJanuary 2025Home Assistant unveils its new product, the voice preview edition
This is very interesting news for the opensource home automation community. Nabu casa, which needs no introduction, has released its first functional voice assistant, practical and fo...
In Test, Home-Assistant, Haade-lab, 19thDecember 2024New features expected for Sonoff at the end of the year
Live from the brand Sonoff ( I bring you the new products and news expected for this month of December live from the factory of the Chinese Santa Claus 🎅🏻 at Sonoff!
In News, Haade-lab, 8thDecember 2024Install Home Assistant OS on Dietpi
Why bother installing Home Assistant OS on dietpi when there is a ready-made image based on raspberry pi os Lite on the official website, or even simpler via the software imager devel...
In Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 30thNovember 2024Home assistant Yellow, for whom?
Some time ago I introduced you to the box home assistant Green, a plug’n play box at less than 100€ which is causing a sensation in the world of home automation. Today it’s the turn o...
In Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 21stNovember 2024Sonoff - Automate your conventional heating
In order to best prepare for the next Live, and always with the aim of deepening our knowledge of the modules in the Sonoff range, we will try in this article to automate a convention...
In Automation, Haade-lab, 24thOctober 2024Box Homey Pro - the quiet force
Here is a test that I can’t wait to present to you, thanks to Athom the manufacturer of the Homey Pro (Early 2023) box and Domadoo, I was able to acquire a latest generation Homey Pro...
In Haade-lab, Tests, Z-wave, Zigbee, 14thOctober 2024Home Assistant - Automation and heating saving
After 9 months of installation, August returns to take stock of the youtube channel to talk to you about energy savings achieved thanks to a Home Assistant home automation installation.
In Videos, Haade-lab, News, Home-Assistant, 1stOctober 2024New Nspanel Pro 120 WOW!
Another expected article, given the number of sales made by itead concerning the nspanel pro, it doesn’t surprise me. Here I received for testing the new NSPanel pro 120 provided by i...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Tests, 22ndSeptember 2024Comfee Easy Dry 20 dehumidifier test
After a very rainy 2024 season, I found myself with a humidity level and mold in the basement. So I started looking to buy a dehumidifier. And I wanted it to be compatible with my fav...
In Automation, Tests, Home-Assistant, 9thSeptember 2024Test of the Saswell SAS980 Zigbee watering controller
After testing the irrigation module Zigbee Woox R7060 last year , today I am tackling the test of the Saswell SAS980SWT-7-Z01 sold under white label by RTX under the reference ZVG1. I...
In Automation, Tests, Zigbee, 24thAugust 2024Special Discount new Sonoff NSPanel Pro 120
For the launch of the brand new product, the SONOFF NSPanel Pro 120 Type, which has been online since yesterday! To celebrate the launch, is organizing an exclusive promotion.
In News, 15thAugust 2024Discovering the Shelly Wave 1PM and mini switches
Discovery of the Z-wave 800 modules Shelly wave 1 PM and 1 PM mini, what are their particularities, and their differences. Are they up to par? for the price and especially what option...
In Tests, Haade-lab, Z-wave, 28thJuly 2024Unbeatable Offer Shelly Birthday Special
From July 24 to 29 For the anniversary of the Shelly brand, the company is offering exceptional discounts for the purchase of its modules.
In News, Automation, 25thJuly 2024Welock SECBNEBL51 fingerprint lock review
Today I am going to present to you a but not too connected fingerprint lock, the Welock SECBNEBL51. Why but not too much, I find that the connected function is not there, let me expla...
In Tests, Haade-lab, 17thJuly 2024Z-wave 800 Long stores the bottom of the z-wave
This is another article that is close to my heart, the Z-wave protocol is coming back to the forefront. Silabs has decided to change things, module prices are finally accessible, manu...
In Automation, Protocoles, Z-wave, 11thJuly 2024High-performance and inexpensive multi-service NAS and Proxmox
You will find on the internet several ways of performing NAS based on mini-PCs but for a performance equivalent to the Intel i5 or i7 the prices can quickly skyrocket.This type of tut...
In Haade-lab, News, Home-Assistant, Security, 3rdJuly 2024Testing the Z-Station Z-wave>me multi-protocol USB adapter
A small exclusive on the web, and yes I am one of the first to test the new superhero dongle from the ZWAVE>ME brand, the multiprotocol USB adapter on Z-STATION - ZMEEZSTATION_ZW_Z...
In Tests, Automation, Zigbee, Z-wave, 23rdJune 2024Take full advantage of your FREE fiber optic subscription
Ah, I finally switched to fiber by Free at my home which announces a bandwidth of 8Gbit/s for downloading and sending data, no less. But there you go my current network only outputs 1...
In Haade-lab, Automation, News, 15thJune 2024Sonoff Pow Ring POWCT energy meter review
Today I have the chance to test the 100A intelligent energy meter, the Sonoff Pow ring POWCT, this is not the first Sonoff meter that I have tested, there is some time I was able to t...
In Automation, Tests, Wifi, 10thJune 2024August & Nicole test the Tedee Go lock for you
Following an evening that was too watered, August came home completely drunk. Fortunately, the Tedee lock was installed, he did not need to insert the key in the lock and without the ...
In Haade-lab, Videos, 31stMay 2024The Domodays
Take advantage of a week full of great deals with discounts of up to 25% on a wide selection of home automation brands.
In News, 28thMay 2024Tedee and the Cloud portal
After a brief presentation of the Tedee GO connected lock and integration via the Smartphone application, I suggest you deepen your knowledge through more complete data management of ...
In News, Haade-lab, 26thMay 2024Discovery of SMLIGHT remote dongles
I am lucky enough to be able to present to you part of the SMlight range from the Ukrainian manufacturer of Zigbee/Matter coordinators. You’ve certainly heard about it, the company is...
In Tests, Zigbee, 13thMay 2024Test and integration of the Blebox Doorbox v2 module
Following the article on the Tedee GO connected lock. The manufacturer Tedee also provided me with a relay module doorbox v2, it is a NO/NC module from the Blebox brand. Polish manufa...
In Tests, Automations, Wifi, 7thMay 2024Sonoff zbmini-l2 test taken to the extreme
Here’s a video where you might have a laugh, with the band August and Lulu we all 3 decided to test the Sonoff Zbmini-L2 in a most extreme way by pushing it back to its limits.
In Videos, Tests, Haade-lab, 3rdMay 2024Change the result of an entity's state attribute
In the previous article I showed you how to create an average of states on entities, by making a call on an entity state states() which directly reports the state of this entity.Today...
In Haade-lab, Mini-tutos, 29thApril 2024Video comparison of Moes, Aqara and Sonoff thermostatic faucets
Following the video saving heating thanks to home automation it works, August returns with a comparison of thermostatic faucets Moes ZTRV-BY-100, Aqara SRTS-A01 and Sonoff TRVZB, inte...
In Videos, Haade-lab, News, 26thApril 2024Test of the Tedee Go connected lock + accessories
A first for Haade, I’m going to present to you a connected lock made in Eastern countries, the Tedee Go with the Tedee bridge which goes well and finally, the Tedee digicode. For the ...
In Tests, Security, Wifi, 23rdApril 2024Template - Create an average on entities
For our first template tutorial, I suggest you create averages from the state of the values of the entities (sensor). In my cases I need to take an average of two values concerning th...
In Haade-lab, Mini-tutos, 11thApril 2024Testing the new Nodon SIN-4-FP-21 heating module
A new arrival on the market for radiator control by pilot wire, the Nodon SIN-4-FP-21, faithful to the manufacturing quality of the brand, promises simplified management of radiators ...
In Automation, Tests, Home-Assistant, 8thApril 2024Nspanel Pro 3.0 Rubik Design Update
Sonoff evolves the user interface (UI) of NSPanel Pro, version 3.0.0 integrates Rubik an interface module which opens up the fields of possibility for you. The company continues to up...
In News, Zigbee, 3rdApril 2024Save on heating thanks to home automation, it works!
This is an article dedicated to the home automation of a traditional gas boiler with radiators connected to water circuits. Home automation will bring you comfort, financial savings a...
In Haade-lab, Videos, News, Home-Assistant, 28thMarch 2024Test Lixee Zlinky plug'n play teleinfo
Actuellement il y a de nombreuses façons de relever la téléinformation, j’en ai déjà testé quelques unes, aujourd’hui je vais te parler du Lixee, je sais ce que tu te dit, il vient en...
In Tests, Zigbee, Haade-lab, 20thMarch 2024Z-wave 800LR Silabs relaunches z-wave
Since the acquisition of the manufacturing of Z-wave chips, and the significant progress on the market, Silabs is preparing to resuscitate Z-wave on the European market. Last month I ...
In News, Z-wave, 13thMarch 2024Sonoff zigbee SNZB-03P and SNZB-06P sensor tests
As usual I thank Domadoo and itead for the loan of these two Sonoff Zigbee modules which are the SNZB-03P and SNZB-06P, these are two presence detection modules that are completely op...
In Tests, Zigbee, 3rdMarch 2024Z-wave dead and buried
I admit, the title is a bit big, it is still a question of making an objective retrospective of this protocol which seems to disappear from the radars of European resellers. Since the...
In News, Automation, Z-wave, 24thFebruary 2024Tests Aqara h1 switch and bindings
Today I am going to tell you about two Xiaomi Aqara products intended for the European market, These are the Aqara smart switch H1 double switch WS-EUK03 and the battery-powered switc...
In Tests, Zigbee, 21stFebruary 2024Box Home Assistant Green and Skyconnect test
I am far from being the first to test this box, for the needs of an installation at Paulo’s, I ordered a Home Assistant Green Box and a Skyconnect key on seeedstudio, now it’s time to...
In Tests, Zigbee, 12thFebruary 2024Google Coral AI and Frigate
A little tutorial to show you the benefits of a Google Coral in your NAS. I use the NVR frigate which processes images using AI in order to interpret object detection and render a con...
In Security, Automation, Tests, 5thFebruary 2024Comparison of Zigbee thermostatic heads
Since last year the government has been advising us to heat our homes to 19°C to save energy. Even more recently, a subsidy is offered, and as is often the case to benefit from it, it...
In Tests, Zigbee, Automation, 29thJanuary 2024Sonoff TX Ultimate review
After the Sonoff switches in the TX range ( T0, T1, T2 and T3), the Chinese manufacturer released the TX Ultimate series in 2023, nothing to do with the rest of the range. A very, ver...
In Tests, 22ndJanuary 2024Aeotec finally releases its Zigbee controller
Ah Finally Aeotec releases its Zigbee 3.0 compatible dongle, this manufacturer of quality modules has decided to market a zigbee usb adapter zi-stick ZGA008 to the Silabs protocol wit...
In Tests, Zigbee, 12thJanuary 2024Be careful when charging electric vehicles at home
Attention ! risk of fire from Wallbox when recharging electric vehicles at home!Like more and more people on this planet, I own an electric vehicle that I have been charging exclusive...
In Security, Tests, News, 6thJanuary 2024Zigbee Neo NAS-AB06B2 Outdoor Siren Review
This is an area where zigbee modules are rare, you can find zigbee sirens here and there for indoors but when it comes to outdoors there are no crowds. And this is where Tuya stands o...
In Tests, Zigbee, Security, 2ndJanuary 2024Installing HAOS with Armbian Bookworm 12
It’s almost 2024 and it’s still difficult to install Home Assistant OS on unsupported cards. For the sake of product testing I need to install HAOS on a dedicated card. That’s good, I...
In Haade-lab, 26thDecember 2023test of the Sonoff Ihost box
First of all I wanted to thank Itead for the loan of this Sonoff box iHost version RV1126 of 4gb. First we will take an overview of the embedded application and see if v1.12.0 bears f...
In Tests, 14thDecember 2023Thank you Sonoff 🎅🏻
A week ago I received an email from the Sonoff team, announcing a shipment of a gift from them for the end of year holidays. A few days later I received a package and what was my surp...
In News, 2ndDecember 2023Test of Sonoff SNZB-01P
After testing the Sonoff SNZB-02P temperature and humidity sensor a short time ago, it is now time to test the SNZB-01P intelligent scene button. I could have presented both at the sa...
In Tests, Zigbee, 28thNovember 2023Esp32-Korvo The microphone you need !
Home-assistant announced at the beginning of 2023, the year of the voice. By hiring Michael Hansen, nickname synesthesiam who is none other than the creator of the software Rhasspy, t...
In Automation, Tests, Home-Assistant, 25thNovember 2023Nspanel Pro V2.2.0 Zigbee Update
Until now I did not find any real interests concerning the NSPanel Pro which is, it must be admitted, difficult to malleable, I am not talking about the original firmware, but the pos...
In News, Zigbee, Matter, 21stNovember 2023Black Friday at itead, Sonoff and Nextion
Don’t miss Black Friday on the official website of the manufacturer Sonoff, I’m talking about Itead
In News, 19thNovember 2023Eagerly awaited Truenas 'Cobia' is here!
TrueNAS like Openmediavault is part of the very restricted world of software dedicated to managing a NAS. For two years the TrueNAS team decided to create a version running on Debian,...
In Haade-lab, Security, 12thNovember 2023Test of the PF-PM02D-TYZ Zigbee Valve Controller by Moes
Today I am going to test a very specific module, often associated with flooding problems, it can be useful for controlling the watering of plants and grass provided you find 1/4 turn ...
In Tests, Zigbee, 7thNovember 2023Haade is looking for contributors
Haade is a blog for home automation and IT enthusiasts. The site aims to distribute simple and effective tutorials with a minimum of advertising so as not to scare away readers.
In News, 6thNovember 2023NSPanel controls your home easily
Not long ago I had the opportunity to visit a new school, this one, as you can imagine, is fully equipped with the knx protocol. At the entrance to each class a digital screen the siz...
In Haade-lab, Tests, 3rdNovember 2023I tested the Corsair Lifetime Warranty
I wanted to share with you some feedback regarding the lifetime warranty offered by Corsair on the failure of a Corsair Vengeance LPX memory.The facts: In 2018 I purchased a set of tw...
In Tests, Haade-lab, 1stNovember 2023Jeedom Sas is over
In recent weeks a certain number of concerns and questions have been expressed about theforum Jeedom regarding the future and direction of the Jeedom solution while pointing out a lac...
In News, Jeedom, 29thOctober 2023Frient SMSZB-120 zigbee 3.0 smoke detector review
Today I am going to test a very important item for home fire safety. Domadoo graciously lent me this product, the first test of the Frient brand for me.We expect this type of article ...
In Tests, Zigbee, 23rdOctober 2023Hack Sonoff Zbbridge-pro and Esphome
It no longer needs to be presented, already two years since the Sonoff ZBbridge-pro was released, it is an all-in-one control gateway (zigbee-wifi-bluetooth), exclusively dedicated to...
In Haade-lab, Zigbee, 15thOctober 2023Built a Smartphone environment in HA with UI Minimalist
As everyone knows, Home-Assistant is, in my opinion, one of the best home automation software of the moment. Well, that’s what I think. In this tutorial I will show you how to customi...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 8thOctober 2023Testing Sonoff's first Matter miniR4M module
That’s it, Sonoff released its first mini Matter module on miniR4M, thanks to itead who provided me with this module I will be able to test the integration into Home-Assistant and giv...
In Tests, Matter, 27thSeptember 2023Nspanel Pro V2.0 update compatible with Matter
NSPanel Pro V2.0.0 released! Nspanel Pro now integrates the Matter protocol into its solution in the form of a Hub.After continuous updates and optimizations, NSPanel Pro has finally ...
In News, Zigbee, Matter, 21stSeptember 2023New Box Home-Assistant Green
Home-Assistant has existed for 10 years already, I can’t believe it, Paulus Schoutsen announced something new to us which was revealed yesterday at the end of the YouTube live. This i...
In Home-Assistant, News, 18thSeptember 2023Testing new Sonoff SNZB-02P temperature and humidity sensor
It’s been more than two weeks since I published any articles, due to summer vacation… the break was good. Now we are already at the beginning of September and for this start of the sc...
In Tests, Zigbee, 4thSeptember 2023Axzez Interceptor board update
If you have read this article previously, Which card to choose to build a NAS + Home Automation, written by me in March 2023 😉, you could see that among all the cards screened, the In...
In News, 14thAugust 2023Sonoff Extra Price Offers
Extra offers at Itead on a set of products Valid until August 31, 2023. Offre toi les micro-modules Sonoff Zigbee ou wifi au meilleur prix du web sans prendre de risque d’une livraiso...
In News, 13thAugust 2023Sonoff SNZB-02D Sensor Test
To start this article I wanted to thank Domadoo for providing me with this product which allows me to give you more feedback on the modules of the Sonoff range. As you will have been ...
In Tests, Zigbee, 7thAugust 2023EFR32MG21 compatible Zigbee and Matter
That’s it ! Silabs confirms support for Matter gateway to zigbee and concurrent thread for EFR32MG21 chips, which equip various keys on the market like the key of Sonoff ZBDongle-E, t...
In Haade-lab, Automation, Zigbee, 12thJanuary 2024Comparison and Test of the Nodon Multifunction Module
A real Swiss Army knife, the Nodon SIN-4-1-20 multifunction micromodule is capable of controlling almost any device, gate, garage door, electrical outlet to which you have connected a...
In Tests, Zigbee, 31stJuly 2023Aqara AAQS-S01 Air Quality Sensor Test
Here is a niche module which has no real competition signed Aqara and lent by Domadoo, the AAQS-S01 module allows you to measure the air quality in real time, but not only!
In Tests, Automation, Zigbee, 12thJuly 2023SonoffLAN easily integrate Sonoff wifi modules
This time, I decided to write a 2 in 1 article, in order to introduce you to the integration of Sonoff modules via the SonoffLAN application created by AlexxIT which allows you simply...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Tests, Home-Assistant, 5thJuly 2023Test and installation taken neo NAS-WR15W6 Matter in Home-assistant
This is a first for the Haade site, today I will integrate and test the Neo smart power plug NAS-WR15W6 Matter controller in Home Assistant. Thanks to the Domadoo team for this loan.
In News, Tests, Matter, Home-Assistant, 26thJune 2023motorization module test for Aqara curtain driver E1
Designed in a quality white plastic material with a satin texture, the Aqara Curtain Driver E1 track version module (motorization of curtain on track) is a block of 14.05 cm x 9.6 cm ...
In Tests, Zigbee, 20thJune 2023Test of the zigbee module Nodon special roller shutter SIN-4-RS-20
Nodon French touch manufactures very good quality modules, today and thanks to our partner Domadoo I am going to present to you the roller shutter micromodule SIN-4-RS-20 as well as t...
In Tests, Zigbee, 19thJune 2023Nspanel Pro v1.9.0 Update Still Not Matter
Like every month for a while, Itead has accustomed us to Nspanel Pro updates. It’s time to take an overview of the new features of the v1.8.0 for the month of May and the latest versi...
In News, Zigbee, 16thJune 2023Fully automate an electric radiator in Home assistant
At the beginning I wanted to write a very simple article concerning the creation of an entity under home assistant which allowed to reverse an on/off switch command, particularly prac...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 15thJune 2023Automatizes any edf meter for 20€ in 5 minutes
There are many ways to retrieve the teleinfo from the Edf meter, one of the latest modules is the Lixee but it has the disadvantage of only being compatible with some counters. I’m go...
In Haade-lab, Tests, 7thJune 2023Loratap 4 button Zigbee remote control
First of all I wanted to thank Domadoo for providing me with the LoraTap SS9400ZB-YA wireless magnetic 4-key remote control module. It is one of those modules that make home automatio...
In Tests, Zigbee, Haade-lab, 30thMay 2023Managing Backups in Homeassistant
Today I’m going to talk about an important aspect not to be overlooked in home automation: Backup. Many of us do not think about this practice except we must not neglect it.
In Home-Assistant, Haade-lab, Automation, 22ndMay 2023Cube Aqara T1 Pro review
test of the Aqara multifunction t1 pro cube and full integration with Zigbee2mqtt and Zha, an essential for home automation and impeccable quality for Aqara. This Cube T1 Pro controll...
In Tests, Zigbee, Automation, 14thMay 2023Homeassistant automatic update
Here is a very interesting Blueprint, it allows you to automate all kinds of Homeassistant updates (Homeassistant kernel and system, Hacs, Add-ons, cards, etc…), easily creating a com...
In Home-Assistant, Haade-lab, Automation, 4thMay 2023Owon THS317-ET remote temperature sensor test
Given the rainy weather at the moment, I wanted to stay in the same state of mind by presenting to you today a temperature and fluid sensor with remote probe Owon THS317-ET, it stands...
In Tests, Zigbee, Automation, 30thApril 2023make a double waterproof zigbee socket for 40€
The world of zigbee-compatible objects is growing rapidly, but there are still many untapped niches on certain module creations. Today a little simple creation tutorial which consists...
In Haade-lab, Zigbee, Automation, 25thApril 2023Nspanel Pro V1.7.0 Update
Days go by and updates follow one another at Itead focusing on the NSPanel pro. Barely 1 month after the previous update The Nspanel pro already brings new features respecting a very ...
In Automation, News, 16thApril 2023Innr Vintage RF261 Bulb Test
In the world of lighting Innr is present today and thanks to Domadoo I will be able to present you a vintage bulb in the shape of ball with a substantial diameter of 9.5cm the RF261 s...
In Automation, Zigbee, Tests, 11thApril 2023Xiaomi Aqara T1 dlkzmk12lm review - SSM-U02
The world of modules without neutral said enddevice is constantly growing in the market, Xiaomi presents a similar Module with external antenna and some of the most sympathetic functi...
In Zigbee, Tests, 5thApril 2023NSpanel Pro Update
Itead has promised us regular updates and it is the case, let’s take stock of what’s new in version 1.6.0 of the NSPanel pro command module.
In News, Zigbee, 30thMarch 2023Woox R7060 Irrigation Controller Test
Today I’m going to introduce you to a module that has little competition in the field of gardening and that will allow you to control your watering/irrigation system with your favorit...
In Automation, Zigbee, Tests, 29thMarch 2023complete reinstallation on Jeedom Luna
After having wrote a complete article on Jeedom Luna which shows, that this box simply runs under Debian, Jeedom Luna n It’s nothing but a Dusun 210, it’s a relatively closed box that...
In Jeedom, News, Haade-lab, 25thSeptember 2023Heiman HS3AQ Co2 Sensor Test
Today I present to you the Heiman HS3AQ Co2, humidity and temperature sensor, a modern sensor with mirror effect, all operating under the zigbee 3.0 protocol.
In Tests, Zigbee, 3rdJune 2023BLM special home automation recessed boxes
Here is a short article, concerning the integration of modules behind sockets or switches. As very often we are equipped with recessed boxes 4cm deep. Between electrical wire and the ...
In Automation, Tests, Haade-lab, 15thMarch 2023Testing the Nspanel Pro V1.5.4 sonoff module
Today and thanks to Itead who provided us with the Nspanel pro module as well as its support, I will be able to test this famous home automation control unit and give you my opinion o...
In Haade-lab, Zigbee, Tests, 10thMarch 2023Sonoff ZBMINI-L2 Extreme Switch Test
This is a new module that is worth looking into. Sonoff communicates a lot about the size of the Zbmini L2 Extreme which is, we can say it very small, ridiculous compared to the compe...
In Zigbee, Tests, 8thMarch 2023Which card to choose to mount your nas and home automation with nvr
I plan to equip a house with a NAS server which will be used mainly for home automation but also as a NVR recorder server. The priority is the price with the maximum functionality and...
In Haade-lab, Automation, Security, News, 3rdMarch 2023Nodon launches its matter range in presale
Today, NodOn is finalizing its first compatible products and offering a Matter demo kit with its flagship products to allow manufacturers to discover the products, their capabilities ...
In Automation, Protocoles, News, Matter, 28thFebruary 2023Fibaro FGPWE-102 Smart Plug Test
Fibaro has always been a manufacturer of Z-wave modules of very high quality, they know how to combine aesthetics and functionality, just look at the switches they provide, simply Mag...
In Automation, Tests, Zwave, 19thFebruary 2023Jeedom Luna scrutinized
Jeedom has always been launching more and more powerful boxes, what about the Jeedom Luna, is it interesting, is it powerful? Is it a pure Jeedom creation or does it use a map produce...
In Automation, Tests, Jeedom, Zwave, Zigbee, 15thFebruary 2023Siren test Heiman HS2WD-E compatible zigbee 3.0
Here is a smart siren that has been around for a long time, at the very beginning Heiman made a zwave version without backup batteries which was a big disadvantage, but since then the...
In Automation, Tests, Zigbee, 6thFebruary 2023Immax Neo 07504L zigbee 3.0 siren test
The packaging is basic, the alarm is accompanied by a mains plug, 4 screws and dowels as well as the installation manual which can be downloaded below.
In Tests, Haade-lab, Zigbee, 5thFebruary 2023test of the new Moes Star Ring zigbee switch
During my years of experience in home automation I bought all kinds of connected switches, Xiaomi zigbee 1.0, Z-wave MCOhome switches overpriced and functional 2 years, Moes switches ...
In Tests, News, Haade-lab, 31stJanuary 2023automate a virtual 2 way with 2 switch zigbee
It is common in France to want to replace its classic switches with zigbee switches. In order to save the cost, it is not to be interested in big brands like Legrand, Siemens, etc. We...
In Automation, Home-Assistant, Haade-lab, 29thJanuary 2023Zigbee 3.0 plug comparison, which one to choose ?
In a world where there is no shortage of smart plugs, I am going to compare 4 zigbee 3.0 compatible plugs from the brand Nous, Neo, Aqara and Lidl. Trying not to forget anything. Belo...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Tests, 26thJanuary 2023On sale now in your Lidl stores
Currently on sale in your Lidl stores the Silvercrest Zigbee range
In News, 19thJanuary 2023Linkplay and Up2stream the quality DIY multiroom
I’ve wanted to write this review for a while, as I didn’t after purchasing the Up2stream Amp V3 board, but two years later, I can say that this product has been proven and will give y...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 18thJanuary 2023Integrate an esp32-cam camera into a light fixture
Simply, professional and effective Haade-lab tutorial for a cost of less than 10€, I will integrate an Ai Thinker Esp32-cam camera into a Philips light fixture fixed in the parking lo...
In Home-Assistant, Security, Esp, 12thJanuary 2023Ledvance Smartplug+ Zigbee outdoor socket test
Today, I’m going to test and detail a rare Zigbee 3.0 compatible product on the market, that of connected sockets compatible outdoors. In France at the time of writing these few lines...
In Tests, 5thJanuary 2023Esp32-cam Ai Thinker and homeassistant
Why start this article when there are already plenty of others. First, I realized that the other articles or forum topics are all incomplete or poorly explained when it comes to full ...
In Automation, Security, 4thJanuary 2023Special Offers Moes Aliexpress
Brand Day At Moes on Aliexpress -40% on the best Moes products, to this you can add up to -50% additional discount thanks to Spotlight Plus days offer valid until Thursday January 5th.
In News, 2ndJanuary 2023Domotizes the Itron water meter with esp and cc1101 in ha for 10€
Recently version 2022.11 of Homeassistant supports the water energy meter, it is possible to recover the data easily using esp and that for around 10€. In my case the meter is equippe...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, Esp, 28thDecember 2022Presentation of the zigbee lidl smart home range
Lidl has been marketing connected products operating in Zigbee 3.0 for some time, the ranges concerned are Silvercrest but also Livarno. Click here to access the entire Zigbee Lidl ra...
In News, Zigbee, 11thDecember 2022New box jeedom Luna
Cut for efficiency at a lower cost, Jeedom Luna is nonetheless solid and fast with basic technical characteristics comparable to those of a Jeedom Smart (4 64-bit cores: Quad Cortex-A...
In Jeedom, News, 15thJanuary 2023interference between zigbee and wifi frequency 2.4ghz
Both ZigBee and Wi-Fi channels operate in the 2.4 GHz band, the frequencies are very close so interference may occur depending on the channel settings. Careful planning must be done t...
In Zigbee, Wifi, Haade-lab, 30thNovember 2022ZBDongle-P VS ZBDongle-E
Today we are going to compare two ZigBee keys from the sonoff brand, the ZBDongle-P and the ZBDongle-E. The ZBDongle-P has a CC2652P processor, which has been tested for a long time a...
In Haade-lab, Zigbee, 20thNovember 2022Explanation of zones in Zoneminder
This is one of the most important concepts in ZoneMinder and there are six choices to choose from.
In Security, Automation, 9thNovember 2022Use of filters in Zoneminder
The filters in ZoneMinder have a very important role, they allow you to classify, archive and delete almost everything in Zoneminder, whether events, videos or images.
In Security, Automation, 8thNovember 2022Simply automate the switching on of the pool light
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 7thNovember 2022Moes Push Button Zigbee Switch Test ZTS-EU
For continuity here is a quality test of the Moes tactile button switch also named Zts-eu this is a push button, moreover it bears the same name as the test done previously with the t...
In Tests, Automation, Zigbee, 6thNovember 2022Domotical Box Rail Din Home-assistant and Raspberrypi
For a long time I had the home automation system integrated into docker on the family NAS. But over time the installation has grown and as everyone knows the physical hardware is an i...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 7thNovember 2022Home-Assistant Amber VS Jeedom Atlas
For the start of the school year Home-Assistant and Jeedom unveil two new boxes, the Home-Assistant Amber vs Jeedom Atlas. Amazing when you know that they both went out a few days apa...
In Automation, Jeedom, News, Home-Assistant, 1stOctober 2021Zoneminder, home assistant and Machinelearning
Dlandon this year released a Docker image complete with Zoneminder and Machinelearning, integration into home assistant is complete. This is why this article absolutely had to see the...
In Security, Haade-lab, 25thSeptember 2021Sonoff SNZB-04 Zigbee 3.0 Door Sensor Test
That’s after the presentation of the temperature sensor SNZB-02, I will detail quickly the sonoff opening sensor SNZB-04, the quality remains the same, the packaging and the aesthetic...
In Tests, 20thSeptember 2021home assistant icon tip
Here is in the series of the very small tutorials . I will quickly describe how to change an icon of a binary sensor thanks to the device_class, by customization in home assistant.
In Automation, Home-Assistant, Haade-lab, Mini-tutos, 15thSeptember 2021Sonoff SNZB-02 temperature and humidity sensor test
I decided to put forward by presenting a test of the Sonoff SNZB-02 temperature and humidity sensor, for the seriousness and the range of the brand’s products. It’s not going to be a ...
In Tests, 10thSeptember 2021Z-wave VS Matter
Z-Wave: Matter is an opportunity for true interoperability
In News, Protocoles, Z-wave, 5thSeptember 2021Open source NAS for Raspberry pi CM4 the future!
After the end announced by kobol , Wiretrustee announces the imminent arrival of a SATA card compatible with the Raspberrypi compute module 4 (CM4)
In News, 1stSeptember 2021Kobol helios 64 is done!
On Wednesday 25 August, the company decided to put an end to the adventure of the open source helios 64 NAS (network attached storage) storage box.
In News, 26thAugust 2021[TEST] and [INSTALL] Zigbee Thermostat Moes BHT-002
Today I will test and install the Zigbee BHT-002 thermostat from the Moes brand, more precisely the electric heating version BHT-002-GBLZBW, this one will be replace with the Atlantic...
In Home-Assistant, Tests, Haade-lab, 15thJanuary 2023Automate your garage door for 5€
In this article I will simply show you how to automate your garage door for 5 € with homeassistant and an esp8266 7-30V module. The domotized motor is a hormann supramatic e3, but we ...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Videos, Home-Assistant, 12thNovember 2022Esphome and Homeassistant integrations
ESPHome is a program injection system to control your ESP8266 / ESP32 wifi modules with simple but powerful configuration files and control them remotely via home automation systems s...
In Automation, Haade-lab, Home-Assistant, 11thMay 2021[TEST] Moes: Touch Zigbee Switch {ZTS-EU} UPGRADE 2020
So why did we choose to present this product to you, and well because it has only one drawback, everything else is positive.
In Videos, Tests, 17thMarch 2021Connected Protocol Home over IP/Matter
This article is a translation of the original article available at this address of the future home over ip protocol
In Automation, Protocoles, 11thFebruary 2020Zigbee vs Z-wave
To start, there are some zigbee vs z-wave comparisons on the internet but I find that they do not go all the way. So I will detail in this article these two protocols which are curren...
In Automation, Protocoles, Z-wave, 15thDecember 2022Zigbee understand protocol and mesh
I tried to find on the web articles concerning the protocol and the zigbee mesh and the management of its park of modules but none had been able to meet my expectations, this is how t...
In Automation, Protocoles, 10thFebruary 2020