Testing the new Nodon SIN-4-FP-21 heating module

Nico Writing by Nico
  10 min of reading

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Testing the new Nodon SIN-4-FP-21 heating module

A new arrival on the market for radiator control by pilot wire, the Nodon SIN-4-FP-21, faithful to the manufacturing quality of the brand, promises simplified management of radiators with management by pilot wire.

The Nodon SIN-4-FP-21 demonstrates integration with Zigbee2mqtt and simplified radiator management which is very logical. But the integration into Home Assistant with management by thermostat is natively impossible. Why? quite simply because it does not include on/off switches which is essential for the integration of generic thermostats. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it almost transparently

Dedicated to pilot wire electric radiators, the Zigbee 3.0 Pilot Wire Heating Module allows them to be connected and automate heating management to save energy.


By Nodon

Dedicated to pilot wire electric radiators, the Zigbee 3.0 Pilot Wire Heating Module allows them to be connected and automate heating management to save energy.

There is a youtube video edited by Zatoufly which explains to you how to integrate the pilot wire node into home-assistant and control it with the generic thermostat by creating a virtual switch and a call by automation by creating a scenario.

That’s good but I’m going to present you with a different approach where you won’t need to create a scenario.

Presentation of NodOn SIN-4-FP-21

Dedicated to pilot wire electric radiators, the Zigbee Pilot Wire Heating Module allows them to be connected and automate heating management to save energy. It allows you to manage up to six modes and at least: Comfort, Eco, Frost Protection and Off. Paired with a compatible home automation system, heating management becomes intelligent and automatic.

presentation of the zigbee module nodon driver wire sin-4-fp-21

available functions SIN-4-FP-21

The Pilot Wire Heating Module has 6 modes: Comfort, Comfort -1°C, Comfort -2°C, Eco, Frost Protection and Off allowing local or automatic control.

  • Consumption measurement
  • Instantaneous power and cumulative energy measurement functions, to save energy
  • Installation without work
  • At the cable outlet of the electric radiator pilot wire
  • Over The Air Update (OTA)

The module is quick to update thanks to the OTA function. Updates can be carried out via a compatible home automation center or via the [NodOn Connect] application.(https://nodon.fr/nodon/application-nodon-connect/){: target=”_blank”}

Notices SIN-4-FP-21

Connection diagram SIN-4-FP-21

Simpler, you die!

connection diagram behind a radiator of the zigbee nodon module pilot wire sin-4-fp-21

Panel connection diagram

Add the Zigbee Driver Wire Heating Module to the electrical panel with the NodOn DIN Rail Box*.

connection diagram in an electrical panel of the zigbee nodon module pilot wire sin-4-fp-21

Technical characteristics SIN-4-FP-21

Power supply230V AC ~ 50Hz
Maximum power. heater3680W
Counting instantaneous power(W) and cumulative energy
Modes6 orders Pilot Wire
Radio protocolZigbee 3.0
Frequency band used2.4Ghz
Maximum radio power+10dBm
Rangeup to 40m indoors
Operating temperature• Between -20 and 40° in the open air.
• Between -20 and 35°C in a recessed box.
• Between -20 and 40°C in the NodOn DRB (DIN Rail Box).
• Between -20 and 40°C in the NodOn BPS (Surface Mounting Box).
Protection indexIP 20

Legrand 064882 pilot wire

The only pilot wire module currently competing with NodOn, Legrand stands out by its 100% functional integration but also adds switch functions which makes it fully natively compatible with home-assistant via Zigbee2mqtt integration .

Céliane Connected Cable Outlet - 230V - Pilot Wire Compatible - For Radiators and Electrical Appliances Up to 3000W - Made in France

Legrand 064882 zigbee module radiator driver wire

By Legrand

Céliane Connected Cable Outlet - 230V - Pilot Wire Compatible - For Radiators and Electrical Appliances Up to 3000W - Made in France

Zigbee2mqtt integration

integration legrand pilot wire 064882 in home assistant with zigbee2mqtt

Nodon integration SIN-4-FP-21

ZHA (Home Assistant)

Currently the NodOn module SIN-4-FP-21 is incompatible with ZHA, information comes up but does not correspond to this module, it is recognized as the NodOn SIN-4-1-20 multifunction module, which does not does not make it a native wire-driver module.

nodon sin-4-fp-21 integration in home assistant with ZHA is incompatible


Integration into Z2M is 200% functional everything is supported

nodon sin-4-fp-21 integration in home assistant with zigbee2mqtt about tab

You can see the main functions in the tab:

  • Power
  • Energy (compatible with the Home Assistant energy tab)
  • 6 modes
  • link quality
nodon sin-4-fp-21 integration in home assistant with zigbee2mqtt exposed tab

Power and energy can be fine-tuned and calibrated using additional settings.

nodon sin-4-fp-21 integration in home assistant with zigbee2mqtt specific parameters

To finish displaying the functions reported in Home Assistant in mqtt.

integration nodon sin-4-fp-21 in home assistant final result


NodOn official technical information SIN-4-FP-21

When powered on, the module’s LED flashes orange seeking to join a Zigbee network. Go to the application of your Zigbee control unit to activate module detection.

pairing function of the sin-4-fp-21 pilot wire nodon

If the module has successfully joined the network, the LED turns green. The module is ready to use.

pairing function of the sin-4-fp-21 pilot wire nodon

If the module has not joined a network within 15 minutes, the LED turns orange. Quickly press the module button and start the procedure again.

pairing function of the sin-4-fp-21 pilot wire nodon

Procedure for resetting SIN-4-FP-21

  1. The module must be connected and powered on.
  2. Press the module button for more than 5 seconds. The LED flashes orange.
  3. Press the button again (short press), to validate the reset. If the reset takes place correctly, the LED flashes alternately in red and green, then flashes in orange. Repeat if necessary.
  4. Your module has returned to its original configuration and is ready to join a new Zigbee network.

Home assistant integration

I chose the integration by zigbee2mqtt because the Nodon SIN-4-FP-21 is well recognized and as you already know Z2M is compatible with various boxes like Jeedom, Openhab and Gladys to name a few . Find information on the integration of the module in Z2M directly on the official link

default function of the sin-4-fp-21 driver wire nodon in home assistant


In order to create the two files below and modify the configuration.yaml file you will need to install one of the two additional applications presented below, **personally if you are new to home-assistant I recommend file-editor **, to install it directly in your instance simply click on the link.

  1. File Editor
  2. Visual Studio Code

Also you will need to include the NodOn module SIN-4-FP-21 in HA before creating these scripts.


We will start to create a switch.yaml file which will group together all your virtual switches because yes you could have several like a switch which would start your PC for example…. So go to the root /config and creates a file named switch.yaml.

creating a switch in home assistant.

Copy the lines of code below without forgetting to fill in the correct lines.

- platform: template
  # Switch entity name in HA
    # Inter name in HA
      friendly_name: "Inter Radiateur salon"
    # Unique Name
      unique_id: inter_radiateur_salon
    # replace select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode with your integrated module
      value_template: "{{ is_state('select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode', 'comfort') }}"
          service: select.select_option
              option: comfort
    # replace select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode with your integrated module
                  - select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode
          service: select.select_option
              option: "off"
    # replace select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode with your integrated module
                  - select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode

in this switch we directly automate the functions of the nodon module SIN-4-FP-21 by the input select.radiateur_salon_pilot_wire_mode and we indicate, when the switch is activated, it selects the comfort mode and deactivates the off mode of the module so no need for a scenario.

For the moment it is not possible to enter these options by creating a virtual switch via the interface directly in ha.


Now that the switch is created, repeat the same procedure to create a generic thermostat named thermostat.yaml.

Creating a generic thermostat thermostat.yaml

To configure a generic thermostat in Home Assistant you will also need an external temperature sensor, I recommend for example the Sonoff SNZB-02P module, you can at the same time read the review article of this one

The SONOFF SNZB-02P temperature and humidity sensor informs you of the temperature and humidity.


By Sonoff

The SONOFF SNZB-02P temperature and humidity sensor informs you of the temperature and humidity.

# nodon module living room
- platform: generic_thermostat
   # Name of our thermostat
   name: Living Room Heating
   # unique identity
   unique_id: thermostat_chauffage_salon
   # inter heating entity previously created
   heater: switch.inter_radiateur_salon
   # room temperature sensor entity (required)
   target_sensor: sensor.thermostat_salon_temperature
   # the minimum adjustable temperature of the thermostat
   min_temp: 16
   # the maximum adjustable temperature of the thermostat generally corresponds to the setpoint temperature set on the radiator in pilot wire mode
   max_temp: 23
   # operating mode of the “heater” system
   ac_mode: false
   # the default target temperature
   target_temp: 21
   # this is the low temperature tolerance for heating activation
   cold_tolerance: 0.5
   # temperature tolerance before heating is activated
   hot_tolerance: 0.5
   # this is the mode in which the thermostat first starts
   initial_hvac_mode: "off"
   # temperature in case of absent mode
   away_temp: 12
   # This is the precision for temperature setting
   accuracy: 0.5
   # the minimum time of an operating cycle
     seconds: 5
   # keeps heating for at least 3 minutes if the thermostat does not receive a command
     minutes: 3


Last step creates a direction link to the two files previously created in the Home-Assistant configuration.yaml file. after the following lines:

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Which gives the result:

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
switch: !include switch.yaml
climate: !include thermostat.yaml

Now all you have to do is restart home assistant to discover the new entities created previously: the switch switch.inter_radiateur_salon and the thermostat climate.thermostat_chauffage_salon.

You will now be able to control your radiators with the thermostat function.

Dedicated to pilot wire electric radiators, the Zigbee 3.0 Pilot Wire Heating Module allows them to be connected and automate heating management to save energy.


By Nodon

Dedicated to pilot wire electric radiators, the Zigbee 3.0 Pilot Wire Heating Module allows them to be connected and automate heating management to save energy.


Of exemplary quality this pilot wire module signed NodOn SIN-4-FP-21 does the job, it lacks the switch function which would allow it to be simply turned off, and mandatory to be able to control it in Home Assistant by the Thermostat card. But with a few lines of code you can make the whole thing functional and transparent to use. To finish the Legrand 064882 pilot wire allows you to do all this natively but you will have to put your hand in your wallet because it is 10€ more expensive, if you are no longer ready for that I I recommend the Legrand, otherwise the NodOn will do the trick and what’s more you could integrate it directly into your electrical panel.



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
