Owon THS317-ET remote temperature sensor test

Nico Writing by Nico
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Owon THS317-ET remote temperature sensor test

Given the rainy weather at the moment, I wanted to stay in the same state of mind by presenting to you today a temperature and fluid sensor with remote probe Owon THS317-ET, it stands out from the other products in the same range , but it costs 20€ so will it interest you in any case it is one of the top sellers on domadoo, whom I would like to thank for graciously providing me with this module.

The THS-317-ET module makes it possible to accurately measure the temperature of a space, a material or a liquid.


By Owon

The THS-317-ET module makes it possible to accurately measure the temperature of a space, a material or a liquid.

Owon manufactures a product range called PIR323 and the THS317 sensor is one of them, this PIR323 range includes 6 models and all use the same box but do not have the same functions. This is why this box has a PIR lens and holes on both sides but are not used in the THS317-ET, this one is only a remote temperature sensor, but in the range you find PIR sensors, temperature and humidity sensors and even a vibration sensor.

Download the technical characteristics notice a little further down, you will understand better what I wanted to tell you.

presentation of the Owon THS317 temperature sensor

The box is of good quality, I still regret that the connecting wire of the temperature sensor is not more reinforced, especially since it is a temperature sensor for external use.

I tested it in the water and the feedback seems correct.

Under the hood is a relatively simple printed circuit and Owon has equipped its module with a Zigbee Tuya ZS3L chip. I would have preferred a CC253X chip here too in order to be able to modify the Firmware more easily, but currently all manufacturers are turning to Tuya to equip Zigbee modules, certainly it is a question of price.

The dimensions of the modules are relatively imposing, more than 6cm on each side, which is enormous for this type of product.

<img class="pictinpost lazyload" src="https://haade.fr/assets/images/generated/posts/63/sous-le-capot-du-capteur-temperature-Owon-THS317-ET-240-2fea159cb.png" alt="Zigbee Tuya board and Owon THS317-ET temperature sensor PCB--img width="940" height="529"">


The inclusion is done without worries in ** Zigbee2mqtt, ZHA and Jeedom ** however I did not respect the instructions which ** tell me about red and green LED ** after 10 seconds of pressing the reset button . I have never been able to see Led Rouge.

Certainly that it is activated in case of inclusion errors, in short it is not so serious at this stage.


everything went well the temperature increase did not happen immediately after the integration, apart from that no problems encountered.

integration with Z2M of the Owon THS317 temperature sensorproduct recognized as enddevicemodule exposure in Z2M

ZHA integration

On the side of ZHA no worries either, the temperature rise was done correctly, you can see that the precision counts one digit after the decimal point, I regret a precision which could have been made two digits after the decimal point but here I quibble.

integration of the Owon THS317-ET zigbee module in ZHA and homeassistantmodule exposure in ZHA

Jeedom integration

Finally under jeedom, an integration there also correct, in short, only happiness.

The ths317-et is well recognized in jeedomfull integration of the module in Jeedom

Personally I’ll put ZHA in mind for this integration, the fact that it’s integrated directly into Homeassistant is a plus, and yes, if you haven’t understood it yet, it’s my favorite home automation system.

Technical characteristics

ZigBee2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4
ZigBee ProfileZigBee 3.0
RF CharacteristicsOperating frequency: 2.4GHz
Range outdoor: 100m (open area)
Internal PCB Antenna
BatteryDC 3V (Two AAA batteries)
LED2-color LED (Red,Green)
Sensing Range: −10~85°C
Sensing Accuracy: ±0.5°C
Remote probe:
Sensing Range: −20~100°C
Sensing Accuracy: ±1°C
Reporting CycleTemperature/Humidity: 1~5min
PIR & Vibration:
When triggered:
report immediately
report once an hour
Operating environmentTemperature: -10 ℃ ~ +55 ℃
Humidity: ≤ 85% non-condensing
Detecting rangeDistance: 5m
Angle: up/down 100°, left/right 120°
Dimensions62(L) × 62 (W)× 15.5(H) mm
Line length of remote probe:External temperature: 2.5m
Mounting TypeTable top stand or Wall mounting
The THS-317-ET module makes it possible to accurately measure the temperature of a space, a material or a liquid.


By Owon

The THS-317-ET module makes it possible to accurately measure the temperature of a space, a material or a liquid.


Domadoo has decided to market this module in a simple temperature version for less than 20€, this module stands out thanks to the remote probe for the rest everything is ordinary to say the least, depending on your needs it could suit you perfectly, moreover it is fully compatible with HA and Jeedom.



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
