As everyone knows, Home-Assistant is, in my opinion, one of the best home automation software of the moment. Well, that’s what I think. In this tutorial I will show you how to customize a dashboard with an ultra-designed theme called … UI Lovelace Minimalist.
So why did I choose UI Lovelace Minimalist over Mushroom Card and Theme. Well simply because Ui Minimalist offers more cards and chips than Mushroom.
Mushroom’s goal is not to provide a personalized map for in-depth customization.
Initially I wanted to settle for Mushroom because it was very practical, even if it was not for the installation, but I quickly encountered problems once I wanted to personalize the cards.
Then comes everything else
Hacs installed
Text editor (file editor or VSC editor for example)
First of all, add this line if it is not already in the configuration.yaml file so the themes will be stored in the themes/ subfolder.
UI Lovelace Minimalist is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).
Install HACS if you don’t already have it
Open HACS in Home Assistant
Go to the “Integrations” section
Click the button with the “+” icon
Search for “UI Lovelace Minimalist
Once installed Restart your Home Assistant instance
Then click on the button below to add the UI Lovelace Minimalist integration. If you don’t know yet UI Lovelace Minimalist is not a simple theme but rather a theme/module combo
And configure UI Lovelace Minimalist
I opted for a semi-manual installation additional integrations because I regularly encountered non-recognition error messages
Integration required
browser_mod by Thomas Loven (attention! activated in two steps see the user manual facility)
PS: After having encountered problems with the installation of automated add-ons, I advise you to install them manually in Hacs. I constantly had errors of modules not installed from one medium to another.
Themes provided by Minimalist UI
A strong point of this integration are the themes provided with minimalist UI, no less than 4 themes, you will have to select one by default, if you do not do so the Minimalist card display will not be done correctly.
minimalist-desktop (for use in an office environment)
minimalist-ios-tapbar (for an Ios environment with only the “views” menu at the footer)
minimalist-mobile (for mobile environment without no menu)
minimalist-mobile-tapbar (for mobile environment with only the “views” menu)
configure custom cards
To configure a custom card that you would like to add, nothing could be simpler, click directly on the link below
then click on configure and at the bottom of the page you can add the necessary customs cards.
Where is the file to configure:
The file at ui-lovelace.yaml is the file to modify to configure the view you will find it in: config > ui_lovelace_minimalist > dashboard
Tablet display
the display on tablet is done on 2 vertical columns, to do this you must create a card with a vertical-stack type display for each column. By default, if you do not include a vertical stack, the display will be in 3 columns.
One of the reasons that pushed me to choose between ui minimalist and mushroom is indeed the presence card, thanks to a minimalist custom card it is possible to easily integrate tracking, battery charging and more into a card. other options, something that Mushroom cannot do, at least without having to code the card itself.
Here you will be able to realize that the Minimalist UI theme is relatively powerful to find tips you can follow the thread: Minimalit UI Community
Adaptive View Bonus
the state-switch module must be installed in version 1.9.3, otherwise the adaptive popup will not work correctly, to find out more you can consult the post which talks about it
The adaptive view is an extra bonus especially dedicated to tablet displays. You will need to install two additional modules, you just need to consult the official instructions which are very detailed.
Currently minimalist UI adaptive supports the following device types: lights, mediaplayers, thermostats, sensors
Activation of this view is done in the module configuration
to start: 3 files to modify
add an input_select to the names you choose
then it will be necessary to adapt the generated codes main.yaml, popup.yaml
for me the main.yaml gives this result:
and the popup.yaml
to refresh the frontend you will need to force the page adaptive_ui.yaml by making a modification and saving
Conclusion UI Lovelace Minimalist
UI Lovelace Minimalist provides a complete frontend interface that is quite simple to set up. Less simple than Mushroom but much more customizable thanks to the additional maps provided by the community. Once you understand the mechanism, UI Lovelace Minimalist will seem obvious to you.
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