Use of filters in Zoneminder

Nico Writing by Nico
  2 min of reading

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Use of filters in Zoneminder

The filters in ZoneMinder have a very important role, they allow you to classify, archive and delete almost everything in Zoneminder, whether events, videos or images.

By default there are two functional filters:

  • PurgeWhenFull*
  • Updatediskspace*

First, the asterisk at the end of the title indicates to the user that the filter is linked to a cron job in order to operate repeatedly in the background, simply select the >>> run filters in the background.

PurgeWhenFull: Official Doc, allows you to empty the hard disk

Actions to select:

  • Archive: archive events
  • FilterUnarchiveEvents: Unarchive events
  • Update used disk space: Update used disk space
  • Make a video
  • Execute a command
  • Delete: Delete events
  • FilterCopyEvents: Copy all events
  • Move all Matches: move all events

Options to select

  • launch filters in the background
  • Run filter concurrently: Run filter concurrently
  • Filter lock rows: lock rows


Then we click on execute and list matches in order to see the events concerned.


Well this tutorial is not complete, and I apologize, I waited so long to write this article that now I no longer use Zoneminder, why! This software is complete but the management of events, the configuration of the cameras is complex and frankly cannot be optimized.

Furthermore I have decided to stop using ZM. Why this changeover: since zm decided to stop the evolution of the ZMevenvnotification program in November 2021, suddenly it no longer has any real interest, especially since there has been a free NVR for Homeassistant for a while, it is is from Frigate, this project is young but already very promising.



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
