New Box Home-Assistant Green

Nico Writing by Nico
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New Box Home-Assistant Green

Home-Assistant has existed for 10 years already, I can’t believe it, Paulus Schoutsen announced something new to us which was revealed yesterday at the end of the YouTube live. This is a new box sold for less than $100 per Home-Assistant Green

creation home-assistant 10 years already

10th anniversary video

Watch this video, well it lasts 1h30, but for the 10th anniversary, I made the effort!

Home Assistant Green offers effortless setup and lets you control all smart devices with one system, where all data is stored locally by default. This device benefits from the Home-Assistant ecosystem.

Box Home Assistant Green on sale at domadoo for less than €100

Box HomeAssistant Green

By Nabu Casa

Box Home Assistant Green on sale at domadoo for less than €100

Home-Assistant Green includes a motherboard designed in collaboration with the company Seeedstudio, interesting point 4-core ARM-Cortex A55 processor and 4Gb of onboard RAM and 32GB of emmc storage, everything you need to run Home-Assistant OS.

pour ses 10 ans home assistant s'offre un nouveau logocaractéristiques de la nouvelle box home-assistant green à 93€

Constantly improving by adding a New box, the Nabu Casa company is diversifying, for its 10th anniversary Home-assistant is also reviewing the logo, that’s a good thing, Congratulations

Feature Home-Assistant Green

  • Home-Assistant Green is ready to use: plug in the power and network cables and off you go!
  • One system to control it all: combine your Apple, Google, Samsung and Amazon devices with support for hundreds of thousands of other smart devices, all in one app.
  • Data localization: protect data privacy with exclusive control and local storage by default. Except for certain extensions which will require connecting to the External Cloud.
  • Limitless connectivity: support for Home Assistant SkyConnect for Zigbee/Thread, Home Assistant Cloud for voice assistants, plus third-party accessories to support other smart standards.
  • Improved every month by open source: new features and improvements are added every month by large communities of open source developers (more than 3000 contributors) for 10 years.
différentes captures d'écran de la nouvelle box home-assistant green à moins de 100€

Technical Characteristics Home-Assistant Green

ProcessorRockchip RK3566 SoC - 4 cores - Arm Cortex-A55 CPU
CPU frequency1.8Ghz
LED StatusWhite (power indicator)
Green (activity indicator)
Yellow (system health indicator)
Storage32GB eMMC
Expansion slotSD card slot for recovery purposes only
EthernetGigabit Ethernet
USB ports2 USB 2.0 Type-A host ports
Display1x HDMI for debugging purposes only
Wireless protocolsZigbee 3.0 and Matter (with Home Assistant SkyConnect)
Pre-installed firmwareHome Assistant operating system
Power12V/1A Barrel DC Power Jack (Barrel Connector)
BatteryCR2032 not included
LEDWhite (power), green (activity indicator), yellow (Home Assistant system status)
Power off buttonPress and hold for 6 seconds to safely shut down
Press and hold for 12 seconds to force power off
CaseLarge aluminum heat sink, excellent heat dissipation
Size112 x 112 x 32mm
Operating temperature0 ~ 40℃

Complete Online Technical Guide

As nothing is done by halves at Home-Assistant, a complete site has been created as a complete guide to the box Home-Assistant Green.

Complete online guide to the Home-assistant Green box

product advantages Home-Assistant Green

  • manufacturing quality
  • the price - $100
  • plug & play
  • the many possible compatibilities
  • compatibility (ZHA and Zigbee2mqtt and Ewelink)
  • CR2032 internal clock

the - of the product Home-Assistant Green

  • Absence of certain internal connections
  • only available for sale on a Chinese platform (seeedstudio)
Box Home Assistant Green on sale at domadoo for less than €100

Box HomeAssistant Green

By Nabu Casa

Box Home Assistant Green on sale at domadoo for less than €100


This is a nice surprise that Home-assistant offers us, a good quality case, a well-designed motherboard especially considering the price, efficient plug&play, all you have to do is buy a Skyconnect key for $29.99 to benefit from the Zigbee mesh. The whole thing will cost you around $129, what more could you want to get started correctly in the world of home automation!



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
