automate a virtual 2 way with 2 switch zigbee

Nico Writing by Nico
  4 min of reading

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automate a virtual 2 way with 2 switch zigbee

It is common in France to want to replace its classic switches with zigbee switches. In order to save the cost, it is not to be interested in big brands like Legrand, Siemens, etc. We are naturally moving towards Chinese brands such as Sonoff, or Moes for example. In this article I will simply show you how to virtually automate an existing back and forth with two classic zigbee switches, in a simple, fast and reliable way thanks to homeassistant and blueprint.


  • 2 zigbee 3.0 compatible switches (Sonoff, Moes free of neutral)
  • homeassistant installed
  • some notions of electricity.
MOES – Tuya Star Ring connected push button switch, zigbee 3.0, with remote control, works with Alexa and Google

New Moes Star ring series Zigbee switch

By Moes

MOES – Tuya Star Ring connected push button switch, zigbee 3.0, with remote control, works with Alexa and Google

1st step connect the switches

A traditional back and forth is made up of 4 phases

  • one goes from the electrical panel to a switch (red)
  • from the second switch to the bulb (purple)
  • between the two switches two shuttles (orange).
traditional 2 way switch diagram

if you have two single switches with only one of the two fitted with the phase coming from the panel (red) then it will be necessary to keep one of the two shuttles connected (orange) and make a bridge from the red neutral in order to bring the neutral to the second switch.

If the two switches have a neutral from the tables (case of double switches supplying lights from another circuit) then you can remove the two shuttles.

Personally, I always leave the shuttles in place in the junction box and I equip them with a wago-type connector in order to protect the electrical wires. You never know if one day I decide to go back 👍.

traditional 2 way diagram with a shuttle removed

2nd step import the blueprint

Let’s assume that you have correctly connected your switches and that they have been correctly paired to your zigbee network so we can now import the blueprint and configure the two switches.

Below a gif showing the import steps of a blueprint in homeassistant.

step of importing a blueprint in homeassistant

Copy this link for blueprint import:

Blueprint 2 switch

If everything went well, let’s move on to automation:

<img class="pictinpost lazyload" src="" alt="create an automation from the imported blueprint--img width="940" height="35"">

All you have to do is set the two switches in switch 1 and 2 and activate the automation.

simply automation setting


If you want the blueprint for 3 switches (which is common) here is the link to paste:

Blueprint 3 switch

And here the link to connect 4 switches back and forth:

Blueprint 4 switch


Here’s a very simple way to automate a back and forth in a virtual, simple, fast and reliable way without response delay between the two switches in other words that it’s instantaneous 😁, the hardest for you if you have no notions of electricity will be to connect the switches correctly.

MOES – Tuya Star Ring connected push button switch, zigbee 3.0, with remote control, works with Alexa and Google

New Moes Star ring series Zigbee switch

By Moes

MOES – Tuya Star Ring connected push button switch, zigbee 3.0, with remote control, works with Alexa and Google



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
