Haade is looking for contributors

Nico Writing by Nico
  3 min of reading

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Haade is looking for contributors


Haade is a blog for home automation and IT enthusiasts. The site aims to distribute simple and effective tutorials with a minimum of advertising so as not to scare away readers.

This year was an important turning point for the blog. With a new site interface, completely redesigned and hosted on GitHub, making it very fast. Also I was able to enter into new collaborations with the companies (Domadoo, Itead) which provide me with all the desired products. Finally, my goal is to develop the site and publish around a hundred articles per year.

For the moment Haade is nothing more than a non-profit website, however I would like to develop this aspect and create a business. In addition, in the long term, I would like to create new niche products that still do not exist in the world of home automation. If you want to be part of the adventure don’t hesitate👌.

New: At the end of the year we are going to develop the vlog section by adding content to our YouTube page. A new Polo collaborator will join me to feed these videos.

I am currently the main editor of the blog and therefore I am looking for new collaborators!

If you’re interested, your task will be to write new articles in the form of tutorials where you can contribute your experience. In order to have a small return on investment you can incorporate your own advertising links (in the form of a product block), as is already the case on the site. If you don’t have a partnership we can probably find a solution together. In addition, I can provide you with the modules of your choice (available on Domadoo or Itead) in order to be able to create Product test articles, see the product testing page

Sought collaborators:

  • users of Jeedom, Home-Assistant, Openhab …
  • Forum manager (github)
  • knowledge of Github (preferable)
  • knowledge of markdown (preferable)
  • knowledge of home automation
  • knowledge of electronics
  • knowledge of embedded media (NAS, etc.)
  • knowledge of VLOG (preferably)
  • be part of a community adventure

In short, you will have understood that if you are motivated and want to develop the blog alongside me, you are welcome.

To contact me you can via:

  • the contact form
  • by leaving a comment on the page
  • by email: administrator[@]haade.fr

Thanks to you



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
