complete reinstallation on Jeedom Luna

Nico Writing by Nico
  6 min of reading

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complete reinstallation on Jeedom Luna

After having wrote a complete article on Jeedom Luna which shows, that this box simply runs under Debian, Jeedom Luna n It’s nothing but a Dusun 210, it’s a relatively closed box that does not offer simple solutions to reinstall in the event of a system malfunction, you will no longer need to return the box to your distributor , this article fixes it. You will be able under Windows easily to resume all the installation of the Jeedom Luna without too much difficulty?

JEEDOM LUNA is the new entry-level autonomous and multi-protocol home automation box integrating the Jeedom software.


By Jeedom

JEEDOM LUNA is the new entry-level autonomous and multi-protocol home automation box integrating the Jeedom software.

As a prerequisite, you will need to download the corresponding Debian image as well as the utility and driver to send the data to the Jeedom Luna

Installation from the official Jeedom image

Update: Jeedom offers the image compatible with the Dusun on their own servers, at the time of writing the update the image update.img end date July 2023, download there at this address The other Jeedom images (jeeboard, freebox, etc.) are available at this address

With this image follow the windows utilities and firmware upgrade steps and the installation will be complete

Installation 100% manual

To start download the image, the file is stored on Google drive. Debian image rev 1.1.7

Windows Utilities

Here are two complete software that will allow you to transfer the firmware to Jeedom Luna, in this tutorial I use Factorytool

I find it practical but both software work.

  1. Extract the zip file and start by installing the drivers /FactoryTool-DriverAssitant/DriverAssitant_v5.1.1/DriverInstall.exe
  2. launch the application: /FactoryTool-DriverAssitant/FactoryTool/FactoryTool.exe
  3. Change language Chinese is default
  4. Click on firmware and load Firmware DSGW-210-Debian_image_RV1.1.7.img
  5. Select restore

Firmware upgrade

Connect the Jeedom Luna to the PC using the usb cable provided and put it in MASKROM mode in order to be able to upgrade the firmware.


  1. Press the reset button without letting go and press the boot button for 3 to 5 seconds
  2. Release the reset button wait 2-3 seconds and release the boot button

The video below shows the manipulation

Now a line appears in the list, select it

To finish click on Run

If everything went well you will have the indication in green

Then you can click briefly on reset and connect the jeedom luna to the mains and to the network in rj45 the circle will change from red to solid blue, debian has started

Below is a GIF animation showing the whole step:

Flash debian image on jeedom luna with Factorytool

find on your network the ip address of the Jeedom Luna

System preparation

linux: open a terminal and type

ssh -p 22 your.address.ip -l root

Windows: connect in ssh with putty enter the ip, port 22 and username and pass.

1.User login

FYI, there are two default user types on the debian image root and admin

ps: the password for the admin user is admin (*if you use admin you will have to put sudo in front of all the commands below)

Login with user root password: root

(*Optional) To comply with a traditional Jeedom installation, we will create a new user named jeedom and password Mjeedom96 then we will give administrator rights to this user

# at the password prompt enter: Mjeedom96
adduser jeedom

# give administrator rights
usermod -aG sudo jeedom

Now change user

su -l jeedom

2.Image Enhancement

start by changing the debian packages (the default packages are localized in china and too slow)

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

delete all lines with Ctrl+k and paste the directories below, end with Ctrl+x then yes to save

deb bullseye main contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye main contrib non-free

deb bullseye-security main contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye-security main contrib non-free

deb bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye-updates main contrib non-free

deb bullseye-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src bullseye-backports main contrib non-free

3.Update the system

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y

4.Change default wrong disk size:

# resize
sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk2p7
# check the size
df -h
# you should find
# /dev/root 15G

5.Change the system hostname

This is the name of the default system, it will allow you to connect to jeedom without knowing the ip address, in our example which is the default of the jeedom luna we will call it jeedomluna so you can connect later on http://jeedomluna.local

sudo nano /etc/hostname
# replace Debian with jeedomluna and Ctrl+x yes
sudo nano /etc/hosts
# add under localhost the line and Ctrl+x yes localhost jeedomluna

saves new hostname

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname jeedomluna

6.Install the locales file

# install dependencies
sudo apt install locales -y
# Set the locale
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8
# Install languages
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

select en_US.UTF-8 and fr_FR.UTF-8 press enter and select by default fr_FR.UTF-8 click enter

7.Reboot the system

sudo reboot

8.Reset current installations (*optional)

Normally in this tutorial you shouldn’t have to perform these two steps because the installation of all the packages should be done without problems. The first dpkg command is there to fix a failed .deb install, and apt –fix-broken install to repair any failed extension installs.

# flatten dpkg
sudo dpkg --configure -a
# fix broken files
sudo apt --fix-broken install

9.Clean the installation

sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt clean

Now the Debian installation is ready to host Jeedom

10.Installing Jeedom

sudo wget
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./ -w /var/www/html -z -m Jeedom

After 5-10 minutes Jeedom is installed

Remove unnecessary files from the root

sudo rm -rf os-agent_1.2.2_linux_aarch64.deb

Finally Restart the Jeedom Luna

sudo reboot

All you have to do is connect to http://jeedomluna.local, and here you are on a fresh Jeedom installation compatible with Dusun 210

JEEDOM LUNA is the new entry-level autonomous and multi-protocol home automation box integrating the Jeedom software.


By Jeedom

JEEDOM LUNA is the new entry-level autonomous and multi-protocol home automation box integrating the Jeedom software.


This is a manipulation that will delight more than one and carried out in less than 30 minutes. You hold in your hands the secret to resurrecting a Jeedom Luna? If you encounter a problem, don’t hesitate to let me know.



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
