Test Lixee Zlinky plug'n play teleinfo

Nico Writing by Nico
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Test Lixee Zlinky plug'n play teleinfo

Actuellement il y a de nombreuses façons de relever la téléinformation, j’en ai déjà testé quelques unes, aujourd’hui je vais te parler du Lixee, je sais ce que tu te dit, il vient en retard ! d’autres l’ont déjà fait. Pour ma défense je ne possède pas de Linky, mais depuis l’arrivée D’august la donne a changé. Alors Ce fameux Zlinky_TIC est-il à la hauteur ?

presentation of the zlinky_tic teleinformation module by lixee

Zlinky_TIC is a device allowing all Linky information to be transmitted in ZigBee 3.0. In addition, it is powered directly by the Linky meter. An almost Plug’n play function, simply remove the cash (neon yellow) and “plug” the device by pressing the orange button. Initially, Zlinky_TIC is waiting for pairing but if you want to reset the device, simply hold down the “link” button for 10 seconds. Then, when the button is released, the LED goes out then starts flashing. Once paired to your home automation box via a ZiGate or another ZigBee coordinator, you will be able to manage your electricity consumption.

Monitor your home's consumption via remote information by connecting the zlinky to your linky

Lixee Zlinky_TIC

By Lixee

Monitor your home's consumption via remote information by connecting the zlinky to your linky

opening of the teleinformation module zlinky_tic by lixee

A quick disassembly of the case is carried out using the two screws, we feel the made in France side, simplistic but functional.

front face of the printed circuit of the zlinky_tic teleinformation module by lixee

The front of the printed circuit displays the current version of the Zlinky_TIC, you should know that this project saw the light of day last year on the blog faire-ca-soi-same. Almost open source until the Blog representative decided to commercialize it.

rear side of the printed circuit of the zlinky_tic teleinformation module by lixee with NXP JN5189 chip

What mainly interests us on the rear side is the nature of the Zigbee component, it is a NXP JN5189, I had already talked about it in a previous article, these are very high quality chips but which have a higher cost than silabs. In short, you have to ask the question to the creator.

Limit of Zlinky_TIC

Currently, the device works with the Linky meter’s History and standard mode. It allows you to manage all single or three-phase subscriptions and production mode (only in standard mode)

Functions of the Zigbee Linky Lixee ICT Module:

  • Zlinky_TIC is powered by the Linky meter terminals.
  • It is compatible and complies with the ZigBee 3.0 protocol.
  • It currently manages the historical and standard mode with BASE / HCHP / Tempo subscription in Single or Three-phase or Production.
nomenclatures in images of Lixee zlinky_tic teleinformation for zigbee home automation systems

Technical characteristics of Zlinky_TIC

CommunicationZigBee® 2.4Ghz
Dimensions63 x 24 x 16 mm
Package Dimensions110 x 110 x 20mm
Operating Temperature0°C - 60°C

Zlinky_TIC compatibility


  • JeeZigbee plugin (official)
  • Zigbee plugin
  • zigbeelinker plugin
  • Bee plugin

Home Assistant

  • ZHA integration
  • Zigbee2MQTT
  • Deconz



Zigbee2mqtt integration

Nothing could be simpler, you activate the pairing and you connect the Zlinky_TIC to the linky, if it is a first connection it will automatically be in pairing mode, otherwise press the little button that fits well.

integration into zigbee2mqtt of the lixee teleinformation module Zlinky_TIC about tab

The Lixee Zlinky_TIC is immediately recognized, works in router mode and all the functions are there. The OTA update works, you can find the firmware on the do-it-yourself github

integration into zigbee2mqtt of the lixee teleinformation module Zlinky_TIC exposed tab

In addition to all the functions exposed (similar in all respects to the ICT modules on the market), you will be able to find additional parameters, in the tab dedicated to this purpose available in Z2M.

integration into zigbee2mqtt of the lixee teleinformation module Zlinky_TIC specific parameters tab
  • linky mode
  • precision
  • rate
  • production
  • phasing
  • etc…

will also be configurable, nothing exceptional but it has the merit of being complete.

Energy Home Assistant

The feedback Kwh based on base function is present, you can integrate it directly into the energy table of Home Assistant and make consumption more intuitive.

intégration dans l'onglet énergie de home assistant du integration into the home assistant energy tab of the lixee Zlinky_TIC teleinformation module specific parameters tabmodule de téléinformation lixee Zlinky_TIC onglet paramètres spécifiques

Here I have put together a presentation map of the different feedbacks from Zlinky_TIC in Home assistant and thus with a simple glance you will know the consumption of your household.

example of displays of energy feedback in home assistant of the lixee teleinformation module Zlinky_TIC specific parameters tab

product advantages Zlinky_TIC

  • Great Linky compatibility
  • self-powered
  • French project
  • easily integrated
  • recognized by many modules
  • almost plug’n play (z2m, zha, etc.)

the - of the product Zlinky_TIC

  • The excessive price (50€)
  • some incompatibility issues
Monitor your home's consumption via remote information by connecting the zlinky to your linky

Lixee Zlinky_TIC

By Lixee

Monitor your home's consumption via remote information by connecting the zlinky to your linky


The Zlinky_TIC is a compliant product and waf in all respects, it is a product of French designs and assemblies. The integration is perfect, the Lixee Zlinky_TIC is compatible with most opensource modules on the market, that’s a good point, what makes it exceptional is the fact that ‘it is self-powered by the Linky, but what makes it less attractive is its high price you will have to count 50€ to obtain the Grail, it’s up to you to see if the cost of self-powering will make you take the plunge, because for all the other functions the competition knows how to do it, and for twice as much.



Founding member of the Haade website, I have been passionate about home automation, computers and electronics for over 10 years. Through this blog, I try to help other Internet users to experiment with home automation, to find fun tutorials, in short to evolve.
