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New Nspanel Pro 120 WOW!

Another expected article, given the number of sales made by itead concerning the nspanel pro, it doesn’t surprise me. Here I received for testing the new NSPanel pro 120 provided...

Comfee Easy Dry 20 dehumidifier test

After a very rainy 2024 season, I found myself with a humidity level and mold in the basement. So I started looking to buy a dehumidifier. And I wanted it...

Test of the Saswell SAS980 Zigbee watering controller

After testing the irrigation module Zigbee Woox R7060 last year , today I am tackling the test of the Saswell SAS980SWT-7-Z01 sold under white label by RTX under the reference...

Special Discount new Sonoff NSPanel Pro 120

For the launch of the brand new product, the SONOFF NSPanel Pro 120 Type, which has been online since yesterday! To celebrate the launch, is organizing an exclusive promotion....

Discovering the Shelly Wave 1PM and mini switches

Discovery of the Z-wave 800 modules Shelly wave 1 PM and 1 PM mini, what are their particularities, and their differences. Are they up to par? for the price and...

Unbeatable Offer Shelly Birthday Special

From July 24 to 29 For the anniversary of the Shelly brand, the company is offering exceptional discounts for the purchase of its modules.

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