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Nspanel Pro V1.7.0 Update
Days go by and updates follow one another at Itead focusing on the NSPanel pro. Barely 1 month after the previous update The Nspanel pro already brings new features respecting...
Innr Vintage RF261 Bulb Test
In the world of lighting Innr is present today and thanks to Domadoo I will be able to present you a vintage bulb in the shape of ball with a...
Xiaomi Aqara T1 dlkzmk12lm review - SSM-U02
The world of modules without neutral said enddevice is constantly growing in the market, Xiaomi presents a similar Module with external antenna and some of the most sympathetic functions, But...
NSpanel Pro Update
Itead has promised us regular updates and it is the case, let’s take stock of what’s new in version 1.6.0 of the NSPanel pro command module.
Woox R7060 Irrigation Controller Test
Today I’m going to introduce you to a module that has little competition in the field of gardening and that will allow you to control your watering/irrigation system with your...
complete reinstallation on Jeedom Luna
After having wrote a complete article on Jeedom Luna which shows, that this box simply runs under Debian, Jeedom Luna n It’s nothing but a Dusun 210, it’s a relatively...