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Zoneminder, home assistant and Machinelearning

Dlandon this year released a Docker image complete with Zoneminder and Machinelearning, integration into home assistant is complete. This is why this article absolutely had to see the light of...

Sonoff SNZB-04 Zigbee 3.0 Door Sensor Test

That’s after the presentation of the temperature sensor SNZB-02, I will detail quickly the sonoff opening sensor SNZB-04, the quality remains the same, the packaging and the aesthetics of the...

home assistant icon tip

Here is in the series of the very small tutorials . I will quickly describe how to change an icon of a binary sensor thanks to the device_class, by customization...

Sonoff SNZB-02 temperature and humidity sensor test

I decided to put forward by presenting a test of the Sonoff SNZB-02 temperature and humidity sensor, for the seriousness and the range of the brand’s products. It’s not going...

Z-wave VS Matter

Z-Wave: Matter is an opportunity for true interoperability

Open source NAS for Raspberry pi CM4 the future!

After the end announced by kobol , Wiretrustee announces the imminent arrival of a SATA card compatible with the Raspberrypi compute module 4 (CM4)

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