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SonoffLAN easily integrate Sonoff wifi modules

This time, I decided to write a 2 in 1 article, in order to introduce you to the integration of Sonoff modules via the SonoffLAN application created by AlexxIT which...

Test and installation taken neo NAS-WR15W6 Matter in Home-assistant

This is a first for the Haade site, today I will integrate and test the Neo smart power plug NAS-WR15W6 Matter controller in Home Assistant. Thanks to the Domadoo team...

motorization module test for Aqara curtain driver E1

Designed in a quality white plastic material with a satin texture, the Aqara Curtain Driver E1 track version module (motorization of curtain on track) is a block of 14.05 cm...

Test of the zigbee module Nodon special roller shutter SIN-4-RS-20

Nodon French touch manufactures very good quality modules, today and thanks to our partner Domadoo I am going to present to you the roller shutter micromodule SIN-4-RS-20 as well as...

Nspanel Pro v1.9.0 Update Still Not Matter

Like every month for a while, Itead has accustomed us to Nspanel Pro updates. It’s time to take an overview of the new features of the v1.8.0 for the month...

Fully automate an electric radiator in Home assistant

At the beginning I wanted to write a very simple article concerning the creation of an entity under home assistant which allowed to reverse an on/off switch command, particularly practical...

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