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Testing Sonoff's first Matter miniR4M module

That’s it, Sonoff released its first mini Matter module on miniR4M, thanks to itead who provided me with this module I will be able to test the integration into Home-Assistant...

Nspanel Pro V2.0 update compatible with Matter

NSPanel Pro V2.0.0 released! Nspanel Pro now integrates the Matter protocol into its solution in the form of a Hub. After continuous updates and optimizations, NSPanel Pro has finally reached...

New Box Home-Assistant Green

Home-Assistant has existed for 10 years already, I can’t believe it, Paulus Schoutsen announced something new to us which was revealed yesterday at the end of the YouTube live. This...

Testing new Sonoff SNZB-02P temperature and humidity sensor

It’s been more than two weeks since I published any articles, due to summer vacation… the break was good. Now we are already at the beginning of September and for...

Axzez Interceptor board update

If you have read this article previously, Which card to choose to build a NAS + Home Automation, written by me in March 2023 😉, you could see that among...

Sonoff Extra Price Offers

Extra offers at Itead on a set of products Valid until August 31, 2023. Offre toi les micro-modules Sonoff Zigbee ou wifi au meilleur prix du web sans prendre de...

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